So I was talking to someone on Livejournal about the whole Middle East situation. His position was "Israel bad. Israel must go" OK. that's a legitimate viewpoint. The status of Israel, given how it was created after WWII, is certainly questionable. My viewpoint is that all sides have to put the past behind them and come to some resolutions based on the current situation. Otherwise its just death death death.
I also said that is wasn't very likely that Israel was going anywhere. He suggested that the best way to take care of that was to have the US cut off funds to Israel. My response:
Cutting off funds to Israel would certainly be a death sentence. However, the body count for every single inch of land taken by the encroaching armies would be astronomical. The other problem being that in this situation, Israel would have absolutely nothing to lose. I dunno about you, but if I were cornered like that, I'd be unleashing everything I had at, say, the capital cities of the invaders. If you think people are dying now, wait until Death really comes to party. ... Not for nothing, but the Israelis have one heck of a military. Just for example, a couple of their missile systems: Jericho I - range: 500KM, 450-650kg payload Jericho II - range: over 1500KM, 750-1000kg payload Jericho III (may still be in development) - range: 4800KM, (we can assume a significantly larger payload as well)
1500KM can almost hit Tehran It can hit most of Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Plus, of course, there's a decent chance that the IDF has achieved nuclear capabilities. Oh, and lets also remember that every person in Israel has had military training. ... You think the US military is having a hard time securing Iraq? that's a cakewalk to taking a kilometer of Israeli territory. Death tolls would be in the 10000s if not more (assuming Israel DOESN'T have nuclear weapons). And that's just the start.
And THAT'S why the US can't cut off funding to Israel, almost no matter what they do. An invasion of Israel would make WWII look like a border skirmish. Well, assuming anyone survived (If Israel went nuclear, there's a good chance Pakistan and/or India would do the same...then its off to the races)
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