Bush, Science, Climate and Lies
Of course, The Bush White House Breaks Science Sorry, you have to sign up for free to read this. Anyhow, the gist of the article is that the Bush Administration crushed scientific evidence that didn't match the message they wanted to send out to the public. Bad. Unequivocally bad. There's a number of people these days saying that the science behind global warming etc is questionable. I disagree with them, but I'm no scientist. I also feel that disagreement amoung scientists is a good thing. Whomever wins ends up with a stronger stance (see basic rhetoric). But this... Regardless of which side of the fence you come down on in this debate, the idea of sweeping facts and evidence under the rug is insulting to the american people, and, imho, criminally negligent. Its one thing to disagree. Its another thing to lie and deceive. Tags:Bush Climate Science Global Warming |
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