So, at the Republican debate, Duncan Hunter of California said with regards to Iran's nuclear program: "I would authorize the use of tactical nuclear weapons if there was no other way to preempt those particular centrifuges" Right there is why no one should vote for this man. First, if you start nuking states to keep them from getting 'the bomb', exactly how are you better than anyone else? Second, all this will do is encourage people who already hate us to develop this technology Because now they KNOW it can get used against them. Third, you have to nuke the Korean peninsula Fourth, you have to nuke Israel. Fifth, and this is the big one, we all die. We nuke Iran. The Middle East, already not our biggest fan base, AND motivated by a eschatologically oriented religion, will see this as a sign for jihad. At that point, you will have no choice but to continue a massive, scortched earth campaign to quelle the region. You certainly won't have the conventional forces to do it. FURTHER, most of the rest of the world will oppose the initial nuking and will almost certainly stand against us. I can guarantee Moscow will, PyongYang, Beijing, etc. There's a reason that the damn things haven't been used militarily in 60+ years. At best? We return to a Cold War status, only it won't be as clear as East vs West anymore. Goodnight Gracie Tags:Republican iran Duncan Hunter presidential campaign Labels: iran, presidential election, Republicans |
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