I really do feel bad for this guy
He did nothign wrong and lost his son. I can't blame him for looking for some kind of reason, something to blame. What I find most flawed though is this:
This country is in a moral free-fall. For over two generations, the public school system has taught in a moral vacuum, expelling God from the school and from the government, replacing him with evolution, where the strong kill the weak, without moral consequences and life has no inherent value.
1) He's not talking about morality. He's talking about HIS morality. Last time I checked, for example, the majority of the country was pro-choice, though perhaps not by much. If nothing else, this brings into question where this falls in 'morality;
2) If the school chooses the 'wrong' morality, if, say, it goes with a protestant rather than catholic morality (and make no mistake here...he's talking about christian morality), parents go psychotic.
3) Isn't it the role of parents to pass on morality? I mean, exactly how little responsibility do parents want to have? They don't want schools to teach about sex, but they don't want to teach about sex either. They only want schools to teach THEIR particular morals, but go bloody insane if anything else is taught. Not for nothing, btw, but his version of 'moral consequences' is basically a supernatural version of an ass-whooping. Having grown up with many kids who got many ass-whoopings, I can tell you that threats and punishments are NOT foolproof guides to control.
Seriously...I grew up with violent TV. I grew up with violent video games. I grew up with a morally neutral school system. Y'know something? I have never...ever...shot anyone. I've rarely even hit anyone. Know why? My parents taught me right from wrong.
The problem is that parents don't seem particularly interested in doing that sort of thing these days. Why? Because people are becoming parents who shouldn't be parents. Because people have to work two jobs to make ends meet which means they can't be there for their kids.
School can't raise your kids for you. If you don't want to do that, then keep your legs crossed and a condom on.
The state can't raise your kids for you and keep them from being dangerously psychotic. But the state could, say, make sure the kids couldn't get enough firearms for a SWAT team.
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