Location: Abingdon, Maryland, United States

Monday, June 18, 2007

Bush Doesn't Support The Troops

Bush Proposes Cutting Spending For The Armed Forces

Most recently, Democrats added $17 billion to an Iraq war funding bill, money not sought by Bush. All told, Democrats plan spending increases for annual agency budgets of about $23 billion above the White House budget request.

House GOP conservatives have pledged to come up with the votes needed to uphold any Bush vetoes.

"I am not alone in my opposition," Bush said, stressing that 147 Republicans in the House have pledged to stand with him. "These 147 members are more than the one-third needed to sustain my veto of any bills that spend too much."

But this is the funny bit...
"The American people do not want to return to the days of tax-and-spend policies," Bush said in his radio address.

See, the thing is, 'tax and spend', whether you approve of it or not, at least makes sense, mathematically.
For the past 6 years, BushCo have been behind a policy of 'spend and lower taxes', which a 3rd grader could find the logical flaw in.



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