Location: Abingdon, Maryland, United States

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Drunken sex=rape?

Sex with a woman who is drunk may soon be rape

Might be happening in the UK soon.
Now, there's no question that slipping a girl a 'mickey' is rape.
And, there's no question that women shouldn't just 'walk it off' or 'lay there and try to enjoy it', as some morons would advise.
And, there's no question that many women are victims of 'date rape' (I fucking hate that term. Raping someone is raping someone. It doesn't matter if you know them or bought them dinner first).
But what does this say about personal responsibility?
Doesn't this make it as if all women are, basically, victims?
FURTHER, if the man is drunk as well, why isn't it the woman's job to tell him 'no'?
Or is it only women who lose their ability to consent?
Think of what this is saying about women.
Maybe they are the fragile, helpless creatures from some Dickens' novel, fainting away with the vapors or at the sight of a bared chest.

Even worse...if a woman, after she's gotten drunk, is no longer able to give consent, and can't be held responsible for ending up in bed with someone, how can you hold her responsible for, say, getting into her car and running someone over? She's obviously completely incapable of judging the potential results of, well, anything she does.

How can you be responsible for some of your actions, but not for others?


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