Location: Abingdon, Maryland, United States

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rumfeld Resigning!!!


(but we've heard this before)


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So, a huge victory has been achieved.
Maybe a little sanity will be restored.
In the wake of this, someone in my office brought up the topic of bipartisanship.
I spouted off without thinking my response through, but here's the gist.

I don't believe in bipartisanship.

Not when it is used as if throwing the other side a bone.

That, to me, is a politician selling out, not doing the job, betraying the people who voted.

I do believe in bipartisanship in the same way I DON'T believe in dogmatism.

If party A sees a problem one way and so proposes one solution, and party B sees it another way and/or proposes a different solution, and the two debate and discuss, and one side convinces the other that their way is right/best, that’s great. I don't want politicians mindlessly following the paradigm of their party regardless of the reality of the situation.

That kind of bipartisanship I can agree with. The listening and evaluating of ideas that seem contrary to the party line.

But, really, that’s not bipartisanship.
That’s basic problem solving.

All I can say is...


Say dance sucker DANCE!!!
Say dance sucker DANCE!!!
Now move sucker MOVE!!!
Now move sucker MOVE!!!


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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Someone is messing with Virginia voters

Someone is screwing with voters (and committing a crime) in Virginia

Jensen says state officials alerted the Justice Department yesterday to several complaints of suspicious phone calls to voters that attempted to misdirect or confuse them about election day.

I'm not saying it was people working for Allen, but given that his thugs have already committed a felony by physically throwing down with a blogger (literally throwing him to the floor),

A little voter intimidation doesn't seem unlikely.


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Circumcision and STDs

Male Circumcision Appears To Help Prevent Catching STDs

The current study is just one of many that have looked at this controversial topic. While most research has found that circumcision reduces the rates of HIV (the virus that causes AIDS), syphilis and genital ulcers, the results are more mixed for other STDs.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has called the evidence "complex and conflicting," and therefore concludes that, at present, the evidence is insufficient to support routine neonatal circumcision.
I wish they gave examples of how this is 'complex and conflicting'. I'm assuming that there's evidence that says that it specifically DOESN'T help prevent HIV etc.
If not, if its just that it doesn't work for all STDs, well, aren't we setting the bar a tad high?


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again, a test

this is a test, I think this is html
<a href=""> cnn </a>
>>> This e-mail and any attachments are confidential, may contain legal, professional or other privileged information, and are intended solely for the addressee.  If you are not the intended recipient, do not use the information in this e-mail in any way, delete this e-mail and notify the sender. CEG-IP1 

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Palestinians Loved The Holocaust

Mohammad Amin al-Husayni

So, the next time someone mentions to you that the Jews brought all this Palestinian violence on themselves, tell them to go learn something.
The Palestinians have always hated the jews and been more than happy to be violent about it when poltics (i.e. the British wanting to turn Palestine into a Jewish state before WWII) didn't go their way.
The fact that one of the Palestinian leaders wanted to follow the same road as Hitler really puts a new light on how Israel behaves now. While the Israelies may not be acting as well as they might, they aren't going with 'the final solution' either.

So...maybe...just maybe...the conflict isn't about the obvious thing, maybe the Palestinians aren't quite the victims they appear to be.
Maybe, as those who don't keep their heads in the sand believe, its deeper and has been going on alot longer.
Maybe, just maybe, its simply hate.

And maybe, just maybe, its Islam.


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