Little Green Footballs Shows the AP as LIARS!
I think the ap is lying to us and I have a stranger telling me its true! So, the rightwing nutjobosphere has been on a jihad against the AP for a few months now. REGARDLESS of whether or not this crusade (see? equal time!) is justified, you can't tell me that this isn't a sign of desperation in the fight. The AP issued a report about something or another that upset the folks at LGF. To strike doubt into the hearts of everyone who, well, already doesn't trust anything that the PNAC doesn't spoon feed them, they printed this: Today I received an email from an unnamed person in Baghdad with knowledge of the incident: Yes. Don't believe the massive media outlet that has a HUGE financial interest in being at least reasonably factual in its reporting. Believe the unnamed stranger? please. Tags:MSM Little Green Footballs conservative bloggers Labels: bloggers, msm, paranoid desperate wingnuts |