Location: Abingdon, Maryland, United States

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Lies Lies Lies YEAH!, They're gonna getcha!


So, at the Republican debate, Mr. Guliani drew a connection between Iraq and terrorism.
This connection has been shown to simply not exist.
Interestingly, both Gulie and Cheney have talked about this mythical connection in recent days.
This is nothing more than playing on people's irrational fears, fears that fly (by definition) in the face of hard facts.

Mitt, as well, seems confused about the IAEA. He seems to think that the IAEA didn't go into Iraq until after the war, and so we went in with the information we had at hand.

Except, of course, Hans Blix and his team WERE in Iraq before the invasion.
In fact, had Mitt been paying attention instead of…well…whatever else he was doing, he would have noticed that
Hans had determined that here were no WMDs, that there was no meaningful intelligence that could seriously support the claim that the IAEA just hadn't found them yet.

Lies or ignorance. Which is it, Mitt?

The thing is, I've just gotten used to it.
I've gotten used to the ChickenHawks tossing these lies around.
That’s a bad thing.
I think that, at every speaking event, at every single appearance on TV, the Democrats should show up with a written document listing off any of the lies uttered by any Republican. They should start any interview by reading the document, and then providing a web address where people can go and see the entire thing.

Don't let one slip get through. Don't let them just make stuff up.
If you do, then you don't deserve to win.
Stand up.

(Of course, this means that the Dems had best not tell any lies either. Which is a good thing.)


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